So I thought I'd address a question that I've been asked on a number of occasions when I've introduces friends and acquaintances to drum & bass, dubstep, or any of the other awesome music I listen to. "Does this kind of music have music videos?"
In fact, yes! There are official videos for all sorts of electronic videos. Definitely not in the same quantities and not the same type of budget as pop music, but they are out there. For a major hit single, a track or two from an fairly major album release, or even a really good remix, artists have seen the power of the interenet, and how much better their music can come across with accompanying video. Here are a few awesome examples:
Looks like they're having a blast!
Dubstep Action/Thriller.
Super creative videography. Thought I broke youtube.
(Drum & Bass)
Never thought I'd care so much about an old woman and her china collection.
Creepy and fun at the same time. DnB pop.
Smooth, soulful, relaxing, & sexy
Brilliant! Never thought I'd be so blown away by random people and paper lanterns.
Something about face morphing Japanese school girls that really creeps me out. Fits the song perfectly.
Crudely drawn super happy animation. Again, fits the song perfectly.
So I hope that answers your question out there...Yes, the music I listen to has music videos. And If I do say so myself, I think they're pretty awesome. I hope you've enjoyed. I'm off to go put the finishing touches on my article, that (fingers crossed) should be hitting the web tomorrow! See you then! Peace.
you used to sweat that lfo track haha