Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random and Funny: B-boys, iPhone Fridge, Controllerism, and Cats with Thumbs...

   Hey everyone! The weeks almost out, but they're always time left to show you some of the wondrous things I've stumbled across in my travels of youtube...
   First up today is footage from the 2010 Red Bull BC One World Championship breakdancing finals in Tokyo, Japan. Just  Do It from Holland and Neguin from Brazil battle it out in a final fitting only of a world championship.
   Completely amazing! B-boys these days are on a completely different level...still makes me wanna dance though. Sick soundtrack too!

   Next up we have possible one of the best uses for an old mini-fridge and an iPhone. Just picture just got back from competing in the Red Bull BC One, and you are dead to the world tired...and man could you really use a beer. Problem is, you're so tired, you can't even get up to get to your fridge. Well with this fridge & don't need to. Check it out...
   Way too cool! If only good beer came in a can...but then I guess it wouldn't be good beer.

   Next is a guy I came across a few days ago named Moldover. He has a very unique new genre of performance electronic music he calls controllerism. I'll let him show you/explain more...
   Since this video came out (a little over 3 years ago) he's moved on to bigger and better projects such as his new custom controller the mojo and his standalone remixing art piece the octomasher. Coincidentally, he's going to be in Boston at Wonderbar in Alston for Tuesday night's Music Ecology. I'm going! coming?

   Lastly...cats with thumbs. Don't know what I could possibly say to set this one up...
   I don't know what it is about this commercial that made me laugh as hard as I did....but I did. It's probably the "West Side Story" gang of cats in the alley...

   Well I hope you enjoyed. I'm going to go back writing...and dancing (gotta get ready for the 2011 BC One) See you all tomorrow for something fun...maybe an artist spotlight...maybe something else. Haven't quite decided. Tell then...Peace.

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