Monday, February 21, 2011

Another Week of Silence...continue.

   So it's been a week...and I've made strides forward, but no finished product (in hind sight, I shouldn't have given myself a deadline...) What I have done, is write about two pages of outline/topics, talk to just about every musically influential person I know, started the actual writing, and realized that this project is way bigger, and way more important to me than I originally thought. I'm still not telling you what it's about (a few of you know), but I will tell you it spans genres, walks of life, and space & time itself.
   I'll keep you posted, but I'm shooting for next Monday as the release...maybe just of part one (cause this might be huge...) & maybe before...maybe after. I'm not going to kill myself to get this done, cause I want it to just flow out. But whether it's done or not next Monday, I'll be resuming regularly scheduled programing, with mixes, and mash-ups, and videos, and spotlights, and tons of other fun stuff.
   Hope you all have an awesome week! Peace.

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