Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Art From Music: Cool Things I've come across...

   Hey everyone! It's a really snowy Tuesday here in Boston...and apparently this is the first phase of this storm! Another 14-20" expected...Yikes! As someone said to me the other day, "This is getting really old!"
   So all this weather has been keeping me indoors for the most part, but it has been great for exploring the internet for cool music, and music related creativeness. And I've found some really cool things for you to check out.
   I ran across this site a few days ago called Recyclart.org (<---which you're totally going to want to check out by clicking there) It's content really does what it says on the box. They features incredible art made from old stuff. There's so much awesomeness on that site, I don't possibly have time to show you all of it, but I'll share some of the really cool music related projects I came across this morning.
   Some thing that I absolutely want in my life is this "Boomcase."
You guessed it! Old suitcase + old stereo speaker = Boomcase! %100 recycled, %100 iPod compatible, and %100 pure awesome, I'm totally going to need to make one of these for my first music video...I don't even have a track to make a music video yet, but I sure have my first prop. 

   Next up is something I'm totally getting for every guitarist I know. It's the "Pick Punch."
Any left over plastic you have (credit cards seem to work the best) can simply and easily be made into multiple guitar picks within a few seconds. Too cool.

   So what would be really cool to do with an extra snare drum...how bout turning it into a sound activated light?
Super bright LEDs will pour a soft ambient lighting over your space, and as this video will show you, it won't be constantly strobing out on you when you listen to music or make some noise, because it only responds to the actual snare hit. So damn cool! 

   Now record collectors would probably object to the thought of recycling vinyl, but they might change their tune (get it!?!) after seeing the "Sound Wave"
Literally a wave, sculpted from hundreds of records. Super creative! This is by far one of my favorite modern art piece out there. But if this doesn't do it for you, and you want something a little more practical than a giant record sculpture, then how bout a clock?
This series of record clock sculptures is something I totally want to make/purchase in the near future. I don't really have much wall space, but I'd totally make room for something like this.

   Hope you've enjoyed all this awesome music art! Be sure to check out Recyclart.org there's so many truly amazing things people have done with they're free time. Trust me, it's be worth some of yours.
   Well I'm off to take a long walk in the snow, then I plan on writing some piano parts for the cousinz band, and maybe another mash-up or two if I can find the time.
   I hope you can find the time to go play in the snow, or play with music...or both! See you tomorrow. Peace.

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