Monday, January 31, 2011

Mountain Music...Tunes to Ride to!

   What's the good word everyone?!? I realized as I wrote that, that there probably aren't many, considering it's a cold, dreary monday, and there's been talk of another 14-20 inches of snowfall by mid-week...yuck! But at the very least, I hope you had an awesome weekend like I did!
   Among other awesome things that happened this weekend, I went snowboarding for the first time in about 7 years or so. (Check me out!)

   Ha! I wish...but that's kinda what it felt like. But at any rate, Me & Justin (& Gabby & Alex & Karen & Jackie & Jonathan) went up to Pat's Peak in Henniker, NH for some night boarding on Saturday. I'd never heard of Pat's Peak before, and was half expecting to show up at some "northern redneck's" house on the side of an uncleared mountain, and for him to be like, "Hey, I'm Pat. Gimme 40 bucks, and /I'll pull you up top on my snowmobile..." or some such sketchiness. But thankfully, we finally arrived to find this...

to which I was very excited! After getting my legs under me (which surprisingly took about 5 minutes) I was totally ready for the big slopes. Within the hour, I thought I was a teenager again, and was totally trying some dumb shit out on the trails (jumps & tricks & such...) which ended in something exactly like this...

only during the night time...and not in Germany. I fell so hard and so fast off that jump, that I landed on my ass, and still had enough momentum to hit my back and knock the wind out of me (still quietly suffering the effects from that one.)
   So at this point, you might be asking yourself, "That's cool Johnny...but what the hell does any of this have to do with music?" Well loyal viewer, I'll tell you. I was stupid enough to forget to bring gloves, but what I DID remember to bring, was an iPod!!! I was thinking to myself as I was jamming to some tunes early that morning, "Wow, I bet it'd be really cool to snowboard to this track...Oh wait! I could totally make that happen!"So I set about making a playlist, specifically for my adventure in the snow.
   So what follows are some of the highlights of my iPod playlist, "Mountain Music"

[Breakage - Fighting Fires (Loadstar remix)]

[Netsky - The Lotus Symphony]

[Cutline - Die for You (J Majik & Wickaman remix)]

[Talib Qweli - Gutter Rainbows]

[Mutt - Saturdays] <---how appropriate?

[Deadmau5 - Faxing Berlin (Grifta remix)]

[Crissy Chris & Youngman - Kick Snare VIP (Drumstep mix)]

   Some others that I've already posted, (all titles hyperlinked to original posts) were A Lil' Glimma by me & sophmore, Quitter's Raga by Gold Panda, Bones by Data Romance, Shellshock by Noisia (#16), Innocence by Nero (#1), as well as my three DJ sets, Winter Chill(step)Dirty Birthday, & Kristall 48 (<---soundcloud links)

   I hope this gives you some awesome new tunes to jam out to the next time you find yourself on the side of a mountain...or on a bus...or at your place. Can't wait to do this again...this was a lot of fun (both the riding, and the writing) Catch you tomorrow! Peace.

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