Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random and Funny: Abwabwabwa (Beat Boxing Dog)

   So I thought since it's almost the end of the week, you might need a little laughter in your life to get you through till the weekend. So here's a video I came across just before the new year, that always gets a smile out of me. A pissed off Russian, "beat boxing" dog:
   Completely awesome! Now if you thought that was the end of'd be sorely mistaken. Loads of remixes have been popping up all over youtube. One for everyone's genre of choice:




(Dubstep [fear. the OMG cat])

(Drum & Bass <---my fav)

   Hope that got a laugh or two out of you. Be looking for the Drum & Bass remix in my next DnB set that I plan to be recording soon. Abwabwabwa!



  1. None of these are able to be viewed. :-(

  2. Ok...I refreshed the page and now I was able to view them. The first video I was scared a little at first...wondering what the hell was I was watching. Then the hip hop one just made me completely laugh out loud! Where do you find this shit?!?!?
