Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Last of the Mashed...for now.

    Morning all! Happy hump day. I hope 2011 is treating you all well thus far. So this is the last batch of three mash-ups done in the summer of 2010 with my cousin Dave & Ableton Live 8. We've been talking off and on about getting things started again, so hopefully soon we'll all have some new tracks to jam out to in the near future.
    I'm also in the process of working with to get my mix posted back up, so hopefully that'll be back up for download really soon. (If not, I'll just have to spin a new one.) I've also been working on a couple beats in addition to a few beats that *cough cough* my cousin Dave and I need to finish. So hopefully some new things on the horizon.
    I'm going to be getting back the main purpose of this blog after this post, which is to talk about and feature really cool music. Should be fun. I have a few things in the works. Enjoi the tracks!

P.S. (Yes, that's a Miley Cyrus mash-up...we subtitled it "Legitimizing Miley" know you love that damn song...)

(Body of Kong)

(Ready for Ratatat)

(El Toro U.S.A.)

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