Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dirty Birthday Mix...and dJay for the iPad.

   Hey cyberspace people! It just turned into Tuesday while I was spinnin' this new mix for you! Not normally a favorite day of my'n, but I'll make an exception in this case cause it's my Birthday! Yaaaayyy! It's a very off year, so nothing over the top, just a quiet dinner out with moms, then some drinks and dancin' with people at Wonderbar in Alston later on. Feel free to come join the festivities!
   So I have to admit, I was going to get this mix done much earlier in the day, but I'm still recovering from a crazy weekend. Went with Dynamic & Seti to a show out in Lowell on Friday, where they were opening for M-Dot. Dope show. Drank a lot.  Went to Tavern at the End of the World in Charlestown Saturday, for Counterpoint: Chicken Sizzoup for the Sizzoul. Dick Winters & Da Moth killed it! Danced my face off. Drank a whole lot more. Went to my friend Dave's for Thanksgiving in January on Sunday. Ate a lot of amazing food. Bus boys killed it at beer pong...and I drank a lot...So my apologies for being a little late on this post.
   But back to the task at hand. New mix! Very much inspired by Da Moth this weekend. He was spinning some seriously filthy dubstep. Like dirty, dirty, gross, nasty stuff...I mean like pure pornography, hide your kids (hide you wife) kinda filth. So I felt like getting down and a bit dirty, as a stark contrast from the last mini mix.
   I hope you enjoy...and bring a change of pants...

Dirty Birthday Mix  <---click there

   Before you head off to hit the showers, I gotta show you the new app I got for the iPad over the weekend.


   This app is damn near the same thing as my whole Scratch Live set-up. Sure, it only lets you set one cue (start) point, instead of five. Sure, it's all touch screen, so record manipulation is a little tricky. And ya, it's crashed on me a couple times in the middle of the set. But it doesn't weight over a hundred pounds, it does my whole itunes library, does auto beat recognition and syncing, and it only cost $20! And for like 3 or 4 bucks you can do this...
which means it does headphone pre-cueing. So sick! I'll be waiting for an update that addresses the crashing issues before I try and record a full set, but for the money, I'm in love. I can't wait to go for a walk, pull out my ipad, headphone, and portable speakers and spin a full mix out in the woods or something once it warms up. It's going to be so dope!

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! Catch you on hump day!

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