Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Original Material: Sly Orchestra

   Hey everyone! Happy hump day! I hope you're having a great time, staying warm, and celebrating something awesome! I have many great reasons to currently celebrate. The week long festivities that are my birthday. The 8 month anniversary of my last cigarette. The joy of living a better, healthier life. And of course, music!
   One of the reasons music is so great, is that it can be so many very different things. It can be a travel companion, an amazing story, or the dynamic backdrop to the life around us. It can express the entire spectrum of human emotions, and in my case it's an incredible stress reliever, mood lifter, and creative outlet.
   Which brings me to an other reason to celebrate today. I've just been putting the finishing touches on a new track I've been working on!
   The working title is called Sly Orchestra. I'm really enjoying this track. It's been putting me in a great mood (as you could probably tell.) I started work on this track over the weekend at Street Light Studios in Logic. I brought it back to my place, dropped it in Ableton, and a few hours later I came out with this. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy, and that it puts you in a good mood too.

   As always, creative feed back is completely awesome. I love the stuff! So hit up in the comments, or drop me a line on facebook, or youtube, or soundcloud, or shoot me a text...or if you see me on the street, tell me there. Whatever works for you.
   Again, I want to send a big shout out, and thank you to all the people that made my birthday so special this year. See you back here tomorrow for more fun and excitement. Keep celebrating! Peace.

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