Monday, January 24, 2011

New Mash-Ups...Dirty South Meets UK

   Hey all! I hope where ever you are, you're staying warm. The weather in New England is totally exaggerating right now...way way way too cold!
   So among other things I did this weekend, I went over to Street Light Studios, to sit in on a beta phase recording session with "the cousinz." There's some really cool sounding tracks forming, so expect to hear some great stuff in the near future.
   On the home front, I was going to spin a jump up, high energy drum & bass mix, but couldn't get out of my head enough to press record, so I plan on doing that during the coming snow storm, (damnit! again?!?) So instead, I went back to some good old fashioned mash-ups, and while it was busy being -5 degrees out (-27 with the wind chill) I came up with 5 new mash ups! 3 of which I'm proud enough to share with you today.
   The running theme of these is, Dirty South Rap over UK Drum & Bass. I think the two were separated at birth. They just sound so damn good together!
   I had forgot to tell you before, but with all of the videos I've uploaded to youtube, you're going to want to play them in 720HD. It REALLY does make a difference with the sound quality. Check it.

(A Lil' Glimma)

(International Storm Clouds Anthem)

(Moonwalker Snap)

   Hope you've enjoyed the new additions. Hopefully I can bring you "Wild Beef" & "Sitting On Energy" in the near future. Your comments are always awesome, and your time is appreciated. See you tomorrow. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. I must admit...I really like the Moonwalker Snap :)
