Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Original Material: A Couple of Beta Beats

   Happy snow-covered wednesday people! I was just reading from one of my favorite online news outlets, that 49 out of 50 states have flakes somewhere in their boarders.  The lucky state? F*ckin' Florida! Ya, that's right. Even Hawaii has snow right now. So I'm lookin' at you see someone cross that state line from the south...nail 'em with a snow ball! It's on you.
   We're dealing with a good foot + on the ground here in Somerville. So what better to do on a cold winter's day, than stay in the house, keep nice and warm, and make some dope beats! So that's what I did...
   In fairness, neither of these were done entirely today, but I did put in some work on each of them before the power cut out for a few hours. They're both in their "beta" phases, so about 50-75% done. I finally got them uploaded to youtube after some reading, a nap, and the power kicked back on. Check 'em out.
   The first is a beat me and my cousin Dave made a few nights ago, after getting back into the swing of things. Really diggin' where this track is headed.
   We had tentatively titled it, "F*ck On Me" cause we were going to drop the sound clip from The Hangover, when the guy says, "You wanna f*ck on me!?!" That's still up in the air. So for right now it's called, "As of Yet (Untitled)"
   Dave and I are definitely back in the music, so expect to hear some new tracks, and mash-ups posted regularly...ish.

   The other one I got for you today, I've been working on for a little while. I started it a serveral weeks ago when I was hanging over at Street Light Studios. My cousin Luke and I were messin' around with some old records and I found this really weird one from a 70's electro rock/jazz band I'd never heard before. I skimmed through most of it and was just about to call it crap, which it is (no wonder I never heard of it,) when I came across the last 5 seconds of the last track on the LP. Weird orchestral finale..."I think I can work with that." Then Ultra beat in logic, and a few other hits and synths in Ableton, and this is what I have so far.
   Was going to call it D-licious, but I decided to drop the D.

   I hope you've enjoyed a little original material. Both Dave and I would love some feedback if you got it. Thanks. Stay warm.

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