Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random and Funny: Neil, Hip-Hop, & Drummers (Double Edition!)

   Hey everyone! Happy Thursday to you! I hope where ever you are, it's not in the middle of the snowpocalypse. I'm really getting sick of this, and I could totally go on and on about how much I hate winter...but this blog isn't about winter hate. It's about music...but still...

   So I'm going to say it was the crappy weather that totally ruined my mood for most of yesterday, and made me miss yesterday's post (which I've been feeling pretty bad about, and for which I'm sorry.) But to atone for this, I bring you a double dose of Thursday's Random & Funny. Let get started!

   So have you ever seen TWO rock legend cover a song written by an 11 year old girl? You have now... just watched Neil Young and a very bearded Bruce Springsteen cover Willow Smith's hit song "Whip My Hair" Yikes...what is the world coming to?

   Now we get into the amazingly awesome section of R&F. These next three hip-hop flavored videos will blow you away. First up, is the world famous DJ Q-bert. We all know he absolutely kills it with a pair of tables and a mixer...but what would happen if someone super glued his cross fader in the middle? He'd probably just do this...
Sick dude! When I get my new mixer, I'm most likely going to be watching Q-bert videos all day long, trying to pick up some fader technique...not that video though, cause that's just ridiculous. I'm not going to be learning much fader anything from that one.

   Speaking of people who are ridiculous with electronic instruments, Dipset producer araabMUZIK is nothing short of mind alteringly amazing with an MPC. Here's a little taste of his skills...
Unreal! I think at one point I couldn't even comprehend how fast his hands were moving. It's stuff like this that make me impulsively drop several hundred dollars on a new piece of equipment. I'd love to even be half that nasty (something to work on for the future.)

   We're going to switch to something a little different for the last video of the hip-hop section today. I found this video this morning, and I sat and watched  it all the way through...twice! That good!
I mean I'm a huge fan of violin, and also a huge fan of hip-hop, so it seemed like this video was made for me, but it's just too amazing. Paul Dateh & inka one absolutely brought this one together perfectly. This one is going on the iPod for sure...

   And now for something completely different! Not a real fan of the music in either of the next two videos (Deadly Rhythm by Refused & Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top) but these videos are worth their weight in gold!
   First is The Deadliest Rhythm performed by a guy named Martin, which is a product of police induced bordom.
Some of the best (or at the very least, most energetic) air drumming I've ever seen. Gives you an appreciation for how hard real metal drumming must be.

   Last for you today is something so completely awesome, that I couldn't possibly bring you any more videos, cause they would all pale in comparison. This rendition of Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top, performed by Rick K and the All Nighters is one of those great moments in video history. Do yourself a favor, and pretend there's no one else on stage but their "mad drummer" Steve Moore. Enjoy...
Can't stop watching that damn video...too good!

Well that raps up this weeks Funny & Random. See you back here tomorrow for another edition of Artist Spotlight, featuring one of my favorites! Catch you later! Peace.

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