Monday, February 14, 2011

Week of Silence...go.

   Right now, at just after 12 midnight eastern standard, marks the start of a week of silence in preparation for my biggest post to date. I'm not going to mention the topic, but it's something that I'm sure people will be highly divided on, for it touches almost everyone, and is something that's almost always on my mind to some degree. This will also be the first post of my'n where I'll be having guest writers weigh in with their thoughts.
   I'm sure this post will catch a decent amount of flak, but at the same time I hope that it sparks some serious discussion on the subject, To help open the channel of communication for this post, I've found (with the help of jr) how to change the settings on the blog so that anyone can post comments. I'm both looking forward to, and dreading this post...but it needs to be done.

Silence starts now...

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