Monday, February 28, 2011

Back to the Task at Hand...

   Hey everybody! Welcome back to regularly scheduled programing after two glorious weeks off! I was hoping to come back and say, "It such a beautiful day outside, spring is finally here...I feel super accomplished, I got X,Y,& Z done..." But it isn't...and I didn't... but oh well, I still had an amazing time during the past few weeks.
   I did get a really big chunk of this article down on paper, and I'd say I'm only a few more writing sessions, a couple of proof reads, and some contextual editing away from finishing. As I had said a week ago, I'm going to try not to stress about it, but it should be done in the very near future.
   So I thought I would take today out to do a bit of a grab assortment of what I usually do in a week here at SCM.
   First up are a couple of the tracks I've been jamming out to in the past two weeks:

(Pest - I Heard Yer Bird Moved In)

(Radiohead - Bloom)

(Fred V - Paradise)

(Chase & Status - Hocus Pocus)

(Rihanna feat. Drake - What's My Name [Blackmill remix])

   Then there's something a bit funny...


   A new mash-up...

(50 Daisies)

   And an artist to spotlight...Andreya Triana, is the amazing vocalist who was on last years 'Black Sands' by Bonobo. Her debut album 'Lost Where I Belong' was released in late August of last year on Ninja Tune Records, and was produced by Mr. Simon Green a.k.a. Bonobo. I am a huge fan of this smooth, sexy, soulful singer, and just about every track on the album. Definitely worth looking into. Check her out...

Be sure to check Ms. Triana out on all of her social media outlets:

Here - Website
Here - Ninja Tunes
Here - Facebook
Here - Myspace
Here - Twitter

  Ahhh...I feel so much better now! Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have more writing to do. So I'll catch you all back here tomorrow, with something fun I'm sure...maybe a new mix. Have as good a Monday as is humanly possible. Peace.

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