Monday, February 7, 2011

New DJ Set: Super Sunday Mix

   Hey there everyone, and happy Monday to you (is "happy Monday" an oxymoron?) I hope your super weekend was...well...Super!
   My'n certainly was, because among other things it was my brotha Justin's birthday this weekend. So Saturday night we hit up Tasty Burger in Boston behind Fenway Park.
Definitely the best burgers I've ever had in my life. If you haven't been...go! And be sure to tell me, so I can come with.  I mean, how can you beat amazing burgers made with real ingredients, awesome beers on tap, cheap prices, and a giant wall sized picture of Sam Jackson
?...That's can't!
   So after that amazing dinner I went over to Malden to watch the UFC fight. Anderson Silva's first round knockout was totally worth it!
That was kick! DONE! To anyone that caught the fight, didn't it remind you of this classic Chapelle Show moment?
Caught him with the front! Like BLAWO!

   So "Super Sunday" rolled around, and I took part in the creation of one of the most epic snack arrangements in the history of snack food...behold! The Snack Stadium!!!

   Guacamole turf with sour cream lines, salsa & queso end zones, slim jim goal posts, hotdog players with olive helmets,  kit kat "jumbotron", stadium lighting made of granola bars and hershey's kisses, over a dozen types of pretzels, chips, and cookies, and another dozen or so types of candies and other sweets. Not pictured, is the parking lot, with hot dog tailgaters, and cars made of snack cakes and necco waffers, and the giant lollypop "blimp" covering the game below...amazing, I know!
   We topped off our epic night of epic creation, with some epic beer pong, some epic flip cup, and watched some semi-epic commercials...oh ya, I think there was some sort of sports game on too. I don't know,we weren't paying attention...

   Well with all that awesome this weekend, there was barely enough time to do any music, but I managed to squeeze some in.
   So what I have here for you, is a quick one-shot drum & bass mix I did when I got back from the Superbowl party last night. Didn't really plan anything in particular for this one, I just kinda made it up on the fly (imagine how awesome it would've sounded if I actually prepared it...) but I'm pretty pleased with the results. It was a lot of fun, and just the thing to cap off an awesome weekend.

   So here it is...the "Super Sunday Mix" Hope you enjoy!

Super Sunday Mix (<--- click there for the link to

   Don't forget to download my mixes with the little down arrow in the soundcloud player. Well, that's it for today. See you all tomorrow, hopefully with some new original material, or a mash-up or two.  Tell then...Peace.

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